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Green Tea For Health Benefits, Truly Awesome!

Green Tea For Health Benefits - Tea is a plant that is known to have many health benefits. Drinking tea, in addition to fresh taste can also restore lost body stamina after activity. That is why many of us drink tea regularly every day. There are several types of tea that we often consume including; black tea, white tea, green tea and so on.

Get to Know About Green Tea

Green tea comes from the Camellia sinensis plant species. This plant originated in China. But now this plant has spread everywhere throughout the world, especially in the tropics or subtropics.

Green Tea For Health Benefits

Besides good for consumption, green tea has very beneficial content. In this table are the contents of green tea which is very beneficial for the health of our bodies.

Content Benefits
Tanin (Catechin) Tanin gives green tea a distinctive taste. This substance makes green tea has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, and also acts as detoxicates
Caffeine It's the bitter elements. Aside from being a stimulant, the caffeine in green tea is also beneficial for relieving stress
Vitamin B Green tea contains B1, B2, niacin, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin B helps metabolize carbohydrates. Vitamin B also promotes the secretion of digestive juices and protects the mucous membrane
Vitamin C Green tea contains large amounts of vitamin C, which is resistant to heat. Five or six cups of green tea a day gives the body all the vitamin C it needs. Vitamin C also prevents the formation of melanin, inhibits oxidation, and increases the body's resistance to disease
Vitamin E Green tea contains a chemical compound called tocopherol (better known as Vitamin E), which is considered to have anti-aging properties
Theanine Amino acids that produce umami flavor. The better the tea, the more theanine it contains
Plant pigments Green tea contains green chlorophyll and yellow flavon compounds
Alkalinity Green tea contains potassium, calcium, zinc, nickel, and molybdenum
Saponin A special ingredient in green tea that has anti-inflammatory properties

Green Tea For Health Benefits

The benefits of consuming green tea for health have been discussed long ago. Many studies have been conducted to determine the content of green tea. Research results have shown that green tea contains high antioxidants, can prevent cancer, good for heart health, also helps maintain weight. So it is useful both for the body's defense and to treat diseases in the body.

The benefits of green tea in overcoming the disease have not been strongly proven. However, there is no harm in consuming green tea regularly and in reasonable portions to maintain health so that you get the benefits for your health.

Some of the benefits of green tea that is believed to be obtained by the body if consumed regularly are:

To Fight Against Cancer Cells

The results revealed that the polyphenols in green tea can help kill cancer cells and stop their growth. In experiments in the laboratory and in animals, the polyphenol content in green tea has been shown to reduce tumor growth. For women, consuming green tea regularly may reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer.

To Reduces High Cholesterol and Risk of Heart Disease

A study concluded that green tea is good for lowering bad cholesterol and can increase good cholesterol levels. The results of another study suggest that polyphenols in green tea may be able to prevent cholesterol from being absorbed by the intestine while helping to get rid of it.

Several other studies have concluded that the antioxidants in green tea have the possibility of effectively preventing the narrowing of blood vessels, especially in coronary artery disease.

To Prevent Diabetes

Green tea has a good influence on diabetes. Research shows that the benefits of green tea can improve insulin performance and help reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics.

To Lose Weight

A clinical trial shows that green tea is beneficial in burning fat and increasing the body's metabolism. The researchers point to the catechins contained in green tea as the ingredients responsible for burning body fat. However, this study itself is still not significant and still needs further proof.

To Stabilize Blood Pressure

A research study shows that those who regularly consume green tea appear to have lower blood pressure levels and are controlled than those who rarely consume green tea. Nevertheless, the results of this study still need to be confirmed with further research.

In addition, there are also some benefits that we can get by consuming green tea, including:

Green Tea as a Herpes Medicine

Herpes is a skin disorder that can cause itching. This disease can be treated effectively by using fresh green tea leaves. The first step that must be done is to mix green tea leaves with enough warm water. Then compress using a cloth on the skin affected by herpes. Do it regularly and continuously to get maximum results and until the disease disappears.

To Overcome The Flu

A person is very susceptible to catching a cold when the immune system falls or the lack of immunity in the body. Steeping warm green tea water can help the body's defense mechanism that is down. By drinking this tea vitamin C also dissolves in building the immune system. So that it can relieve the symptoms of flu when it comes to striking.

Green Tea Can Prevent Alzheimer's

A serious disease that attacks the brain and has a difficult effect to remember or weaken the power of concentration. This disease is caused by damage to cells in the brain, so the brain appears to have contracted and shrunk. With such conditions, the brain's working functions cannot work optimally. To minimize the occurrence of this disease, you can use green tea herbal ingredients that are rich in nutritional content.

To Boosts the Immune System

Maintaining the immune system is very important to continue to do at all times so that the body is always healthy. In green tea also contains antioxidants, better known as flavonoids. These antioxidants work together in the body to increase the immune system so that they are not susceptible to attacks by viruses and bad bacteria that can infect.

By knowing so many benefits of consuming green tea, are you interested in consuming it? I hope this information is useful.